Setting the Default Editor
When working on your Obsidian Portal campaign, you use one of the available text editors. Which one you choose is up to you, and will take a bit of experimenting to decide (see Which editor is right for me?). Each has slightly different features and methods for operating, so it is advised that you try them out before devoting heavy development time to your campaign. Once you have seen them first-hand, select the one you like best and make it your default. That said, you shouldn't feel boxed in by your choice, as you can change which editor you use at any time.
To set the campaign's default editor:
- Navigate to the dashboard of the chosen campaign.
- Click on the "Settings" tab.
- Click on the "Advanced" section heading.
- Locate the "Default Editor(WYSIWYG)" drop-down.
- Select the desired editor.
- Click the "Save" button.
After saving, you will receive a message indicating that the "Campaign was successfully updated". The selected editor will be set as the default, and will be used for editing and creating pages.