Delete a Character

A character on Obsidian Portal exists so long as two conditions are met. First, that the campaign it is a part of remains; and second that it's owner (or "author") chooses not to delete it. Should a member no longer desire to have a given character, and they don't wish to transfer ownership of it to another player in the campaign (see Change Ownership of a Character), they have the option to delete it. Such action should be carefully considered however, as all pages linking to the deleted character will then need to be updated as well - to remove the now-dead links.
To delete a character:
  1. Navigate to the dashboard of the campaign you wish to delete a character from.
  2. Click the "Characters" tab.
  3. Click the edit icon for the character to be deleted.
  4. Click the red "Delete Character" button.
  5. Click the "Delete [Character Name]" button in the confirmation modal.
Confirming that you wish to delete the character will execute the deletion and redirect you to the character listing page with a notification that "The character has been deleted."
Note: Alternatively, you may view the character and then click the edit icon. Unless you are the campaign's GM, you may only delete characters that you are the owner (or "author") of. Deleted characters cannot be recovered.

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