Uploading a Map

Everything happens somewhere. No matter what the campaign, or what game system it's played in, there are going to be locations involved. Obsidian Portal helps you share these locations, and tie them into your story with the Maps tab. Utilizing Google Maps, map mages uploaded to the Maps tab feature multiple levels of zoom, and allow you to add markers that link back to pages, characters or adventure log entries elsewhere on your campaign site (see Adding a Map Marker).

To upload a map:
  1. Navigate to the dashboard of the campaign you wish to upload a map for.
  2. Click on the "Maps" tab.
  3. Click the "New Map" button.
  4. Enter a name into the "Name" input field.
  5. Click the "Click here to upload" message.
  6. Select the desired map image file in the File Upload window.
  7. Click the "Open" button.
  8. Allow the upload progress indicator to reach 100%.
  9. Ensure the success check mark symbol has appeared on top of the map preview.
  10. Toggle the "Public" checkbox to the desired visibility 
  11. Click the "Submit" button.
After submitting, the page will redirect to the main Maps listing, with notification that your map "has been added. It will be available shortly." Clicking to view the map will display it for you the uploading member, along with the message "Your map is being processed and will be fully available in a few minutes." This message is temporary and will persist only until the background processes that make the map available for all members have completed.
Note: Map images should be square to avoid warping or stretching upon upload. The number of maps a member is permitted to upload to a campaign is based on the status of their account. For full details, members should consult the Plans page.

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