Upload a Character Portrait

There's a certain satisfaction to putting a face to a name. In the context of tabletop roleplaying, faces - taking the form of character portraits - also tend to be more memorable than written or verbal descriptions, and help in breathing life into a character. On Obsidian Portal, all new characters have an initial default graphic of a humanoid silhouette. Members are able - and encouraged - to upload new portraits; either at character creation (see Create a Character) or some point after.
To upload a character portrait:
  1. Navigate to the dashboard of the campaign containing the character you wish to upload a portrait for.
  2. Click on the "Characters" tab.
  3. Click the edit icon for the character to receive a portrait.
  4. Click the "Change Character IMG" link on top of the default character image.
  5. Click the "Click here to upload" message.
  6. Select the desired character portrait image in the File Upload window.
  7. Click the "Open" button.
  8. Allow the upload progress indicator to reach 100%.
  9. Ensure the success check mark symbol has appeared on top of the portrait preview.
  10. Click the "Save" button.
After saving, you will be returned to the character's page. A notification will indicate that "[Character Name] was successfully updated." The uploaded portrait image will now display on the right hand side of the page in the secondary column. A smaller preview of the portrait will also replace the default image on the character's listing page entry.

Note: Alternatively, you may click on the character's name to visit their character page and then click either the edit icon or the "Change Character IMG" link to reach the edit page. Uploading a new portrait and saving overwrites a previous one.

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