Create an Event

Whether your tabletop gaming group plays in person or online, it takes coordination to make sure everyone knows when the next session is, and who will be there. To that end, Obsidian Portal offers Ascendant members the Campaign Calendar as an option to keep everyone on the same page. By utilizing the "Calendar" tab, the group can create events, monitor expected attendance, sync events to their iCal or Google Calendar, and issue reminders if (or as) needed.
To create an event:
  1. Navigate to the dashboard of the campaign you wish to create an event for.
  2. Click the "Calendar" tab.
  3. Click the "+" icon.
  4. Insert an event title in the "Title" input field.
  5. Insert a location in the "Location" input field.
  6. Choose a date and a time from the selectors under "Starts at".
  7. Choose a date and a time from the selectors under "Ends at".
  8. Enter an event description in the "Description" textbox.
  9. Click the "Create" button.
Once you have created the event, you will be redirected back to the "Calendar" tab. A brief notification will indicate that "Your event has been created." As the event's creator, you are initialized as "Going" in the RSVP listing. Other members participating in the campaign are placed under the "No Response" heading to start, and will be slotted under "Going" or "Not Going" as they respond (see Respond to an Event).

Note: Alternatively, you may utilize the "+" icon from the "Upcoming Event' section of the dashboard to reach the event creation interface.

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