Who can see my campaign?

Particularly when you're first getting started, it's natural to wonder who has the ability to see what you're working on - whether in a positive sense ("Can all of my social media followers see my campaign?") or a negative one ("Can my players view this page while I'm still building it and spoil the campaign?"). For this reason, it's important to ensure that you know where your campaign lies in terms of the Privacy settings.
Obsidian Portal offers four basic privacy configurations, as outlined below:
  • Public with no human check - Viewable by anyone on the internet who knows where to look. And will not prompt the visitor with a "Verifying you are human" screen. This is an Ascendant member option.
  • Public with human check - Viewable by anyone on the internet who knows where to look. But, will prompt a not-logged-in visitor with a "Verifying you are human" screen. Logged-in members will not be prompted. This is the default option for campaigns, and in the case of Basic accounts, the only option. This keeps bots from swamping the servers.
  • Friends Only - Viewable by you, the campaign's players and anyone on your Obsidian Portal friends list. This is an Ascendant member option.
  • Private - Viewable by you and the campaign's players only. This is an Ascendant member option.

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