Toggling Looking for Players
As a community for tabletop gamers, Obsidian Portal gives GMs the option to set their campaigns as "Looking for Players". Toggling this setting allows members that are interested in finding a campaign to participate in to see that campaign when searching for games seeking more players on the Games Nearby map or filtering on the Campaigns page. Interested players can then petition the GM for an invitation to the campaign, and - if invited - begin contributing.
To toggle looking for players:
- Navigate to the dashboard of the chosen campaign.
- Click on the "Settings" tab.
- Click on the "Players" section heading.
- Check the "Looking for players?" checkbox.
- Click the "Save" button.
After saving, the campaign will be flagged as looking for players. Members that utilize the Games Nearby page to locate campaigns will see the campaign listed via the red map marker interface when filtering to only see campaigns that are looking for players (see View Campaigns Looking for Players). This setting can only be changed by the GM, or a player that has been promoted to Co-GM (see Promote a Player to Co-GM).