Updating a Map Marker
A great map marker is one that points to a pertinent location, and provides relevant information and page links associated with it. This means that after a map marker has been added to your map (see Adding a Map Marker), it's going to need updating from time to time as your campaign progresses. Beyond the information, you might also choose to update a map marker aesthetically, bringing it more in line with other style-based aspects of your campaign site.
To update a map marker:
- Navigate to the dashboard of the campaign you wish to update a map marker on.
- Click the "Maps" tab.
- Click on the map possessing the marker to be updated.
- Click on the marker to be updated
- Click the "Edit" link in the marker's description.
- Update the marker as desired
- Click the "Save" button.
Note: The position on the map is also an element of a map marker that can be altered, though no editing of the marker is required. You can simply drag the marker to where you would like it to be. Edit-based updates that can be made to a marker include: the marker's color, the marker's title, the marker's description text and the actual marker itself.