Create a Character
One of the foremost elements of any tabletop campaign, characters on Obsidian Portal can hold statistics, biography, personality quirks,or anything else needed to bring them to life - both for readers, and during a gaming session. A campaign's characters are listed on the "Characters" tab, with an option available on the "Settings" tab to separate the listing of PCs and NPCs into separate sections if desired (see Toggle PC and NPC Separation).
To create a character:
- Navigate to the dashboard of the campaign you wish to create a character for.
- Click the "Characters" tab.
- Click the "+" symbol above the "Character Quick Search".
- Enter a name in the "Character Name" input field.
- Fill in additional fields as desired (Quick Description, Description, Biography).
- Click the "Create" button.
After clicking to create the character, you will be taken to the new character's page. A notification will confirm that "[Character Name] was successfully created." As the creator of the character, you are also initialized as its owner or "author". If you wish, you may restrict editing of this character by setting the "Player Character?" checkbox to the checked position. Doing so will limit editing to yourself, the campaign's GM, and any players promoted to the Co-GM role (see Promote a Player to co-GM). You may pass ownership of a character at any time by editing the character, scrolling to the bottom of the edit screen, and selecting the new owner of the character in the "Change Owner" drop down.
Note: Alternatively, you may create a new character by accessing the "New+" top bar menu and selecting the "Character" option. When creating a character, "Character Name" is the only required field. The "Slug" field will be automatically generated based upon the name entered. Once created, the character's slug may be changed, but must not be blank - as this will lead to linking errors. If one or more DSTs (Dynamic Sheet Templates) are available for your campaign's chosen gamesystem, you may select one from the "Dynamic Style Sheet" drop down (see Using a Dynamic Sheet Template).